28 September 2011

Clean slate.

Two years ago when I started this blog, I was in a completely different place. I was planning on getting married to (who I thought) was the love of my life, contemplating babies, had just bought a condo and had gained 50lbs which, according to a friend, should have been a sign of all my sorrow.

dressFlying docter
Flying docterdress

Fast-forward 3.5 years and I feel I am finally free. *

I feel like life is just starting. Isn't that strange? Life is a constant imbalance but all we can do is keep moving forward. I'd like to say I'm content but I worry that's inauspicious, so for now I'm moving, every which way I can so that when I finally find the right path, I'll know.

* As part of my purge, I deleted most of my old posts, those that felt irrelevant to who I was or who I am, or that were just so shallow and stupid-sounding I couldn't stand to have them around anymore.

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